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Soul Poetry


Updated: Jan 9, 2024

I have been writing about Soul Astrology for quite some time. What I have discovered is when I look back into someone's past from the 1900's and 1800's, the soul from that lifetime has a story to tell. At the time, religious beliefs, family values and the unwillingness to change causes these souls to stay where they are instead of following their destiny. A lot of karma holds them back as well. So I share these stories to help you better understand what they went through. I hope these poems will resonate with you.

Here is a soul that was mentally ill at the time but wished he had received help.

I am ashamed to say

That I am always in a rage

My mind is always racing

I’m not sure why

I fly into a rage

And I don’t know why

My fury is so great

I have so much hate

I'll direct it at you

I really have no clue

By the time I’m done

I can’t look at you

I've destroyed my family

Being who I am

They are scared of me

They see me and they run

I understand how they feel

Their fear of me is so great

I can’t help it

This is who I am

Family history so you say

Yes it’s true

It was handled down to me

And now to you

It goes back generation to generation

This mental illness of mine

Mom, granddad, Aunt Mabel too

We all have it

Now you do too

This is a very deep and powerful poem and I hope it resonates with someone you may know.

Love Tracy

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