I love everything Astrology. I also have been predicting the week ahead for some time now. My amazing friend Nancy suggested I do a Astrology forecast/weather each week I might do a news letter as well so here it goes.
Monday Nov 21st
With the moon in Scorpio later on in the day, we should be sensitive to what is happening around us. We are still in Scorpio season, so the energy may be intense. With Mercury conjunction Venus, think of strong conversations, but win -win situations.
Tuesday Nov 22nd
The Sun arrives in Sagittarius in the early morning hours. Yay!!! I love this Sagittarius energy. Think of this energy giving you powerful insight, knowledge and daily wisdom. With the Moon opposite Uranus, think unexpected emotions to pop up in the middle of the day. That's ok, you can power through those emotions to embrace new opportunities.
Wednesday Nov 23rd
New moon, new energy. This Sagittarius Moon is about new beginnings. A very optimistic energy. How can we use this energy to our advantage. Start manifesting your dreams. Make a list, write them down then let the Universe do the rest. Don't let this energy go to waste.
Thursday Nov 24th
The moon trine the little comet Chiron will be very powerful. Think of this energy as healing energy. To help you get through your emotions. Sagittarius is the great healer of the zodiac and with it being a Moon in Sagittarius, it will give you the opportunities to let go and release those emotions.
Friday Nov 25th
Woo Hoo!! It's Friday!! With Mercury trine Chiron, we will be able to communicate more easily our feelings. What lessons have we learned this week and what should we focus on more. It is all about taking a step back and observing instead of making quick decisions.
Saturday Nov 26th
Saturn trines Mars is a great day to use this energy . You can easily deal with issues or challenges with ease. Mars gives you that energy to power through any situation. You will start to feel more optimistic and gain more wisdom and clarity.