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Astrology Forecast for December 26th to Jan 1


I hope you guys had a very Merry Christmas. This week is Mercury Retrograde and we are still in Capricorn Season. Let's see what's happening

Monday December 26th

With Mercury Retrograde just around the corner, its encourages us to re-check our foundations, re-visit any past mistakes, and re-view the lessons that we have learned throughout the year. We also need to be patient with others today and watch how we communicate.

Tuesday December 27th.

The Moon enters Pisces today. Your intuition and perception will be highlighted. Mercury is helping us communicate our ideas and listening to what others have to say. Try to base your decisions on logical thinking instead of your emotions.

Wednesday December 28th

You will be at your most powerful allowing you to take charge and be in control of what you do. You will have ambition, be disciplined, practical and take a realistic approach to achieving your goals.

Thursday December 29th

Mercury Retrograde wants us to slow down but with the Moon in Aries , we are determined to get things done. This moon puts pressure on us to get things moving (plans, ideas etc.). It’s all about being as productive as possible. Using your time wisely.

Friday December 30th

This is a time when social conversations may not flow as easily with Mercury in retrograde.. It is a day for new beginnings or changes; the day to put ideas into motion and begin things you have been planning. Today can be the day to lay the groundwork for plans that you wish to develop over a long period of time.

Saturday December 31st

The Moon in Taurus, is helping us to listen, to be receptive and to focus on what's important. The day's energy encourages introspection, finding answers within. Change is hard but necessary with Mercury in Retrograde.

Here are each #zodiacsign for the week as well


With Mercury in Retrograde, reflect on what you truly want when it comes to your career. What changes can you make to get where you need to be. Revise, revisit, and let go of old plans and start fresh. Pay close attention to details, and don't sign any contracts.


The Moon in Aries has that go go energy. Your patience is your best defense for this week. Lots of drama as we go into Mercury Retrograde. When it comes to communicating with friends/family, your patience is your saving grace. You got this.


Over the next few weeks, you’re going to be reflecting on what kind of emotional and financial support you need to feel more grounded. Money that may have been owed to you around this time last year will make its way to you.


This week you will be focusing on your relationships, how you view them. Conversations may be intense with Mercury in Retrograde. Lots of patience needed.


This week is about how you view your work day. Are you over busy, trying to juggle too many things. What can you let go of so you have some free time. Re visit how you give your energy away.


With Mercury Retrograde, you need to take things slow. The more you push through your day, the more you get frustrated. Think outside the box and try to view your day differently.


Take it easy. Allow conversations to flow easily. Let go of any family issues as they will be resolved in the next couple of weeks. It is all about compromise.


Over the next few weeks, be sure to double check emails and texts before hitting send. It’s easy to say the wrong thing under this influence so try to be patient with any miscommunications.


Mercury—planet of communication and details—goes retrograde in your money sector on the 29th. Over the next few weeks, you’re going to be reviewing your budgets and reflecting on what you value.


This week is all about you and your health. Now's a time to get back on your routine of vitamins, exercise and drinking plenty of water. This is also a great week to clean out your closet to see which pieces can be donated and which can go back into your regular rotation.


Focus, Focus, Focus, With Mercury in Retrograde, lots of communication, texts, emails etc, this week. Don’t commit to anything until you double check everything.


This week is a time of reflection, a time to revisit, and look back on how far you have come this past year. Is there any changes that need to be made. Lots of emails, texts and conversations this week. Grab those opportunities of rest when you can.

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