This week we are heading into Aquarius Season. We will be focusing o the future. With Mercury finally going direct, plans and conversations that were put on hold will pick up again.
Are you ready to take action? With the New Moon in Aquarius, you are focusing on your future. Making long term financial goals. Set the intention to follow through on your plans.
New Moon in Aquarius. Are you ready for new beginnings. Set the intention to follow through on your goals. Mars going direct will give you the energy and drive for success. .
You might feel a little restless as the Moon enters Scorpio. Your focus will be on your day to day activities and how you can create more time for the new opportunities being offered to you. You may have to make some adjustments to your schedule.
As Mercury goes direct this week, you will gain new insight into your personal and professional relationships. The New Moon in Aquarius, is about new beginnings and focusing on the future.
With Mercury going direct this week, your week will be very busy. Texts, emails, conversations will take up most of your time. Creating a new routine will be your number 1 priority.
The New Moon in Aquarius will offer you a fresh start to change up your routine. With Mercury going direct, you will be very busy. Set the intention to follow through on making your health your number one priority this week.
With the New Moon in Aquarius, you will be focused on setting long term financial goals. With mercury going direct, you will be thinking up new ideas/ plans to reach your financial goals.
With the Moon in Scorpio, is a chance to rest and reset. Instead of making plans with friends, set the intention to make time for you. You need time to rest and reflect on the future.
Your focus this week will be on your finances. Creating a plan to save/invest for the future. As you set the intention for new opportunities. you will gain insight and clarity into what you need to do to move into your future.
You're gaining clarity and awareness on next steps, but it will require you to make an important decision. You are focused on the future, leaving the past behind and embarking on a brand-new chapter of your life.
With the Moon in Scorpio, you are intuitively guided to make some changes, but you need to get clear on your priorities and your overall vision. A day to get organized and allowing yourself to be more focused
Thinking and making plans for the future will be your main focus this week. With the New Moon in Aquarius, you will be intuitively guided to focus on setting new career goals. With Mercury going direct you will be very busy planning your next move.
Monday- Jan 16th
The moon will be in Scorpio. We have ideas and plans on where we want to go in the future but we need to get clear on our priorities and our overall vision. A day to get organized and allowing yourself to be more focused
Tuesday Jan 17th
the Moon moves into Sagittarius allowing us to see the big picture, We will feel more optimistic and our vision becomes more clear as we set new priorities.
Wednesday Jan 18th
Mercury will finally go direct. Today we will feel a shift of energy, we are ready to move forward with our plans for the future but we still need to revise our goals/plans and setting the groundwork for success.
Thursday Jan 19th
The moon moves into Capricorn today. We are on the move, ready to follow through on our plans. We have worked long hours planning, organizing, prioritizing and following through on our vision for the future.
Friday Jan 20th
The sun is in Aquarius and many energy shifts are happening. As we try to adapt to this energy, new opportunities will be introduced to us. It is up to you whether you embrace these opportunities
Saturday Jan 21st
Today we are heading into the future. As our future begins to unfold before us., we have the ability to see far ahead. Our future begins Today!!!