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Reiki for a Peaceful Sleep


I love Reiki symbols for many reasons. It can send love and healing to our loved ones(including animals). One way I use the distance symbol everyday is to use it before I going to sleep.

I thought of this one day, as my energy was so low from a busy work day. When I went to bed, I still felt restless. I decided I wanted to release the stress of the day and what better symbol to use then the Distance Symbol.

The Reiki symbol, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, is known as the distance (or distant) Reiki symbol, because it energizes healing and balance across space, time, and locations. In can be used with other people(animals) — even if they’re not in the same place as you — or during self-reiki.

As I lie in bed I place my hands together, in gratitude for all the blessing of the day. I then I use the Distance Symbol to bring forth any issues or situations that showed up for the day. Then I open my hands and send that issue or situation up to the Heavens to be let go. It only takes a few minutes and I feel so much better afterwards.

Let me know what you think

Love Tracy XXOO

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