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Astrology/Horoscope Predictions for Jan 2nd to Jan 7th


This week is about making a strong foundation and setting goals.


With Mercury in retrograde and the energy of Capricorn (that go go energy), your more stressed than before. At home and relaxing is where you need to be. Later on during the week with The Full moon in cancer, you are able to make some changes in your work schedule.


You will feel a burst of energy this week as the planet Venus moves into your work sector. Although you have plenty of work to do with the Full Moon in Cancer, you will be able to focus on close connections.


This week its about moving forward with our plans even if Mercury is in Retrograde. This Capricorn energy is helping you move in the right direction. Take those opportunities while you can.


This week you will be focusing on you and looking after your own needs. You have been busy the last couple of weeks, now its time for you. Its ok to indulge in yourself. You deserve it.


Capricorn season is the busiest time of year for you. You have been working hard pushing through this energy. With The Full Moon in cancer, you need to rest. Allow some ME time.


Full moon in Cancer is helping you focus on a strong foundation for yourself. You have been working hard all year and now your hard work is paying off. Don’t miss those opportunities when they come your way.


This energy is helping you propel forward. Things, ideas, projects are getting done faster than usual. You may feel tired, but at the end of Capricorn season, you got a lot done.


This week its about expanding your mind and learning something new. Maybe taking a new course of study. Discipline may be needed when it comes to your daily routine but this Capricorn energy helps you succeed.


New opportunities are coming your way. Are you ready? Speaking, writing will play a important role this week. It is going to be another busy week.


Relationships take center stage this week. You have been focusing so much on your career that there's not a lot of time for your relationships. Is there someone close to you that you need to see? Take time from your busy week to chat with them.


This week you will be focusing on your health and making small changes. Taking small steps to changing your routine, your diet and daily routine. You have been giving so much of yourself these last couple of weeks that now it about focusing on you.


This week its about seeing things with a new perspective. Creating a strong foundation. Looking at your dreams and visualizing yourself already there. Thinking outside the box.

Monday- Jan 2nd

The moon will be in Taurus, a time of reflection and to making wise decisions. We want to move forward with our plans, goals but with mercury in retrograde we really need to revisit our goals and make changes if needed.

Tuesday Jan 3rd

We have a sense of freedom after the holidays. The Moon will enters Gemini today. Lots of conversations, texts, emails. We want to shift our focus to the future, but we also need to look back into the past as well. What lessons are we still learning from 3 months ago. What changes do we need to make.

Wednesday Jan 4th

The energy of Capricorn is helping us plan and focus on our goals but the moon in Gemini has other plans for us. We may feel lots of frustration as we try to lay the groundwork for our plans. Take your time as things will get better next week.

Thursday Jan 5th

The moon moves into Cancer today. Intuition will be heightened allowing new ideas and perspectives to come in. Breaking free of old habits and finding new ways of doing things. With Mercury in retrograde, your day will be very busy.

Friday Jan 6th

Full Moon in Cancer. Letting go of old beliefs and bringing in new routines. Seeing things with a new perspective and setting the groundwork for new opportunities. Taking action on following your dreams.

Saturday Jan 7th

Today we are beginning the process of putting our ideas out there. Taking baby steps towards our future. Our visions of success is highlighted. See yourself following your dreams.

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