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Soul Astrology


One of the most important journeys in life is finding your soul purpose, a process of identifying and embracing your true self. Astrology is a amazing tool to help you navigate your life. Each planet and zodiac sign plays a special role in the development of the soul.

Soul Astrology focuses more on the Sun, Moon and Rising Sign. The North Star(north node) and the South Star(south node) play a crucial part as well. Soul Astrology can help give you insight into why we are here on Earth.

The Sun represents our personality, our identity.

The Moon represents our emotions and our subconscious.

The Rising Sign represents the Souls purpose, who we truly are.

The North Star represents what your soul wants to learn and experience in this lifetime.

The South Star represents your past unresolved issues that you’re trying to learn and overcome from previous lifetimes.

In Astrology, it is so important to have a full understanding of each planet, and how they play a role in our lives. The Sun, Moon and Rising play a big part in our soul's development.

The Sun represents ourself, our will and our drive for significance. Showing our desire for leadership, power and success. It also represents your ego and self-worth.

Your Rising sign is called the sign of self, your self-awareness, your self-interest, all about you. Your Rising sign is a part of who you are, it is a part of you that you allow others to see. In Astrology they call it a mask ( how you present yourself to the world).

In my next article, I will discuss the Sun sign in Soul Astrology.

Love Tracy

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