Whenever I teach on the spiritual life, my first question I ask my students is "Do you pray and what does your mourning routine look like ?" Prayer has been the number one priority in my morning routine. Prayer has helped me through many storms in my life and prayer can help you too!!
When the children were small. prayer was my number one priority. It didn't start out that way. I was a frazzled mom. working part-time, running a household and just getting by each day. Can you relate? I needed help desperately, but I didn't know who to turn to. One day a friend invited me to her prayer group. I was hesitant at first, but then I thought "Why not". That invitation started me on my spiritual journey.
The day came when my friend picked me up to take me to this prayer group. I was so nervous. "What do I pray about and will it help me in my everyday life"? When I walked in, the ladies were so welcoming and so kind. They took me under their wings and taught me everything I needed to know to become a strong prayer warrior. I am so thankful for their guidance and direction. They were my first spiritual mentors and I will be forever grateful to them.
Fifteen years later, I still have a strong prayer life and you can too!! It starts with taking baby steps and lots of discipline. Here are some tips to get started.
Make a commitment: Like everything in our lives, having a routine takes discipline. I know the first 5 years as a young mom, I had no routine whatsoever. I was young, tired and basically TIRED!! . It wasn't until I made a written commitment to pray each day without fail, that my life turned around.
Have some alone time to pray: Decide that you will set aside some portion of time each day, 5, 10, or 15 minutes to pray alone. Now as a young mom at the time, finding time to pray alone was not easy. So what I did was, I placed a journal in each room I was in and every chance I got, I wrote down a quick prayer. You can too!!
Study the prayers of the Saints: I have so many books on prayer and I love the prayers of the Saints. I read them because they have taught me how to pray and what to pray about. Suzanna Wesley is my number one favorite prayer warrior. She had 19 children and had a strong passion for prayer.
Are you ready to incorporate prayer into your life? Has this article helped you in any way? Comment below and let me know. More articles to come as prayer holds a special place in my heart.
Luv Tracy
Visit my author page at https://www.amazon.com/author/tracyvanfleetwriter002