In Astrology your North Node is your destiny, the direction that each of us are being called to explore and, ultimately, become.
Did you know that shortcuts to your destiny leads to missed opportunities. Yes, it's true. There are no shortcuts? There are no fast results? Why? Because shortcuts lead you to nowhere.
Here are 3 reflags I encounter when coaching clients
Resistance- probably the 1 reflag. The client is unwilling to change their belief system, which keeps them stuck. They end up staying where they are, in the same relationships, same money issues, same job etc.
Trauma/past- When we are afraid to release trauma, we stay stuck in repeated patterns. Our fear creates these roadblocks to our destiny. When we release trauma/karma, our path to our North Node becomes more clear.
Shortcuts- The client wants fast results. They don't want to do the work, they want shortcuts. Just like your health, when you take the easy way out (diet programs/surgery etc) these shortcuts lead to poor results,
When you heal you heal your past and let go of your resistance, your destiny becomes clear.
Love Tracy