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A Broken Vessel


Updated: May 13, 2024

Jesus on and a cross

Ascending Master Jesus has been with me for as long as I could remember. I love all the Ascending Masters, but Jesus has always been my guide. When I feel down or stuck in life, I always ask for his guidance.

The other day, as I was going through my journals, I found a diary entry for November 5 2015, I was a Mom of 4, not sure where I wanted to be in life. Somehow, I felt lost. I was at a crossroads, not sure which way to go. This is the diary entry I wrote.

That dream that I had was so real. I was trying not to think of the past. I was crying and shaking. Jesus came for me. I was so happy. He held my hand and I felt safe. We walked and talked. He asked me to look around. What did I see? I saw animals, birds, people being so joyful and free. I even saw a rainbow. I saw love and beauty everywhere. I looked down at myself and saw a broken vessel. I cried and cried. Jesus said he could make my vessel new again. I told him I wasn't sure if he could. He said "Do you not think I can heal you?". I said yes. I said I had too many burdens to bare. Jesus said he would carry them for me. I said I had too many. He said" Do you not believe!!!" I asked him if he would carry my burdens for me. He said yes he would. He would carry them all and more. I had so many burdens and my vessel was cracking. I didn't think I could go on anymore, my burdens so heavy. He took the first burden and threw it out to sea. He came back and carried a second burden, then a third and a fourth and so on. Jesus never tired and all my burdens went out to sea. My vessel started to heal and I felt so much lighter.

The message here is to never give up on yourself. You have so much guidance and assistance from the ascending Masters, your angels and spirit guides. all you have to do is reach out to them, like I did many years ago.

Luv Tracy


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